Photovoltaic Systems Laboratory

The testing laboratory for PV inverters of the PV Laboratory of the Bern University of Applied Sciences was accredited according to ISO 17025 from 2017-2019 (STS 0644). The range of tests included:
Total and dynamic efficiency according to IEC 50530
Harmonic currents according to IEC 61000-3-2 and IEC 61000-3-12
EMV conducted radio interference according to CISPR 11
The PV laboratory is currently being expanded in the area of grid connection of PV inverters. In this context, the laboratory automation is being revised and converted to a browser-based system.
The PV Laboratory is in charge of the project management of the following new IEC standards:
IEC 63409-4: Photovoltaic Power Generating Systems Connection with the Grid - Testing of Power Conversion Equipment - Part 4: Interface protection and fault ride through
IEC 63409-6: Photovoltaic Power Generating Systems Connection with the Grid - Testing of Power Conversion Equipment - Part 6: Power control functions and grid support
The re-accreditation of the PV laboratory is planned in connection with the completion of the laboratory automation and the new testing standards.