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Prüfstelle für Holzfeuerungen


The Prüfstelle für Holzfeuerungen is part of the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland in Brugg-Windisch, affiliated to the Institute for Biomass and Resource Efficiency at the University of Applied Sciences. Our laboratory is accredited for type testing of

- Living room furnaces (incl. cooking stoves)

- Boilers up to 500 kW

which are fired with solid fuels.


The accreditation also includes the testing of fire safety relevant requirements of boilers for solid fuels with automatically fed furnaces for nominal heat outputs ≥ 500 kW.

In addition, the testing laboratory is recognised by the EU Commission as a Notified Body (Conformity Assessment Body) NB 2113 according to the European Construction Products Regulation No. 305/2011.


The services of the test centre include

  • Direct and indirect determination of efficiency

  • Safety test (overheating protection, surface temperature, tightness)

  • Gravimetric measurement of dust/particle emissions

  • Measurement of gaseous emissions such as carbon monoxide and dioxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides


The assessment of emissions is based on the following guidelines:

  • Regulation on Air Pollution Control (Switzerland)

  • Regulations on the Ecodesign Directive (Europe)

  • BImSchV Level 2 (Germany)

  • Agreement pursuant to Art. 15a B-VG on the placing on the market of small firing systems and the inspection of firing systems and combined heat and power plants (Austria)


Tom Strebel
+41 56 202 79 16


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